Present yourself the right way - completely customize your booking page to match your own brand’s look and feel, and the behavior that works best for your use case.
Your logo, colors, and messaging
Add your logo, colors, and messaging to your booking page to match your brand.
Custom domain
Use your own domain name for your booking page and emails. Using your own domain name gives the user the comfort that they are engaging with a professional service provider, running a cohesive internal process. You can even send SMS reminders using your own Caller-ID.
Themes and layouts
You can choose the themes and layouts for your booking page from multiple options. We know that 1-on-1 Office Hour meetings have different requirements than Group Sessions, and that’s why we offer flexible layouts for each.
Localization and Languages
In addition to English, your booking page can also support other languages and locales, including Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Icelandic, etc. - you can even create your own language!
CSS customization
Advanced users may choose to customize CSS of their booking pages. This means that you have full control over every color, pixel, and aspect of the booking page.